1) What is the (DDI) Dynamic Deflection Instrument?

The DDI is a patented accelerometer that provides documentation of movements resulting from cyclic forces. Consistency of signal and durability of the equipment (calibration maintenance) have been proven through millions of cycles of use.

2) Does the DDI work in all soil types?

Yes, the DDI is applicable in all soil conditions.

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3) Does the DDI work in groundwater?

Yes, the DDI is effective in groundwater.

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4) How does the DDI change the aggregate pier construction process?

The DDI significantly enhances the construction process.

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5) HoW does it change the design process?

It does not change the design process.  The DDI validates the design. 

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6) What research has been done to validate the DDI?

4 years of extensive research was completed in both laboratory and on-site settings prior to introducing the DDI to the market place.

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7) What are the benefits?

  • Consistent subgrade support of foundation, slabs and structures;
  • Differential settlement control;
  • As Built documentation of sub grade reinforcement construction;
  • Millions of dollars saved through reduced liability of construction defects from     foundation settlement;
  • LEED certification enhancement through efficient use of manpower and natural resources based on the earth conditions across a site and at depth;

8) How much does the DDI cost?

Fees associated with DDI instrumentation are bid based on several factors including number of piers to be monitored, job duration, and site location.

A DFS trained technician will be provided with the DDI instrument to insure proper installation and monitoring.

Typically, the cost is less than ½% of total project cost.

Through the Contact page of the web site, please e-mail or call us with specifics on one of your projects.


Through the Contact page of the web site, please e-mail or call us, we will be happy to talk with you.

Quick Contact Info

Dynamic Force Solutions.
1980 Willamette Falls Drive, Suite 120 #136
West Linn, Oregon 97068
phone: 503.730.7653
fax: 503.638.9113